Environmental Policy

Assurer notre pérennité, satisfaire les besoins de nos clients, assurer le bien-être des collaborateurs, voici notre politique de l'entreprise


Regular investments


Solar panels 1,397m²
Water treatment
LED lighting
Machine engines

Heat recovery from machine compressors for heating purposes
Preference for local labour (thus reducing transport and commuting)
Recycling (oils, metal shavings, etc.)
Preference for local businesses
Free charging stations available
(for employees & visitors)

Complete service with exceptional production capacity

Bolstered by a strong network of long-term partners for heat and galvanic treatments.


ESCOMATIC® turning machines


bar-turning machines


polishing and washing machines


Default sorting machines
(mechanical, visual, inductive)

Machined Materials

In our production process, we place great importance on adhering to Swiss quality standards. To achieve this, we meticulously respect the materials requested and specified for your project.

La fabrication de pièces mécaniques destinées à un usage industriel est un domaine réservé aux experts, découvrez nos matières usinables.