Que d’émotions après cette folle soirée du Prix SVC Suisse romande hier au SwissTech Convention Center !Codec SA est très fier d’avoir obtenu la 2ème place du podium, après avoir franchi avec succès toutes les étapes du processus de sélection parmi une centaine...
Finalist of the 2024 SVC Prize, the Neuchâtel SME has made a name for itself in micromechanics, without going through the expected box of watchmaking subcontracting. Discover the article from Le Temps Read the article from Le Temps
We are honored to have been selected for the SVC Suisse Romande 2024 prize among several dozen companies. The jury of experts made up of 17 independent personalities with extensive professional experience and strong roots in the...
Dear customers, Our new website is online. It was developed by Yetinc Sàrl, our partner for the web and communication. Further information will follow on this site. The entire Codec SA team